
Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer develops in the prostate gland, a small walnut-shaped gland in men that produces seminal fluid. It is one of the most common cancers in men, with risks increasing with age.


Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

  • Frequent urination, especially at night
  • Difficulty starting or stopping urination
  • Weak or interrupted urine flow
  • Pain or burning sensation during urination
  • Blood in urine or semen

Risk Factors

  • Age: Risk increases after age 50.
  • Family History: A family history of prostate cancer increases the risk.
  • Ethnicity: African American men have a higher risk.
  • Diet: High-fat diets and low fruit/vegetable intake may contribute.
  • Obesity: Linked to more aggressive forms of prostate cancer.


  • Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test: Measures PSA levels in blood; high levels may indicate cancer or other prostate conditions.
  • Digital Rectal Exam (DRE): A doctor checks for abnormalities in the prostate.
  • Biopsy: Confirms cancer by analyzing prostate tissue samples.
  • MRI/CT Scans: Determine if cancer has spread.

Stages of Prostate Cancer

  • Localized (Early Stage): Cancer is confined to the prostate.
  • Locally Advanced: Cancer has spread to nearby tissues.
  • Advanced (Metastatic): Cancer has spread to bones, lymph nodes, or other organs.